best-laundry-detergents-Arm & Hammer Sensitive Skin Free & Clear Liquid Laundry Detergent

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Gain Original Liquid Laundry Detergent + Aroma Boost

This detergent is for you if you want something that will work without costing a fortune. With no harsh ingredients, this Arm & Hammer unscented detergent is designed to be gentle on skin. We were quite impressed that this product, even without any pre-treatment, lightened all of our stains and removed all traces of chocolate from our clothes. We adored how everything had a clean, fresh scent that wasn't overpowering. We considered this product to be very cost-effective because it left our clothes soft, spotless, and smelling fresh while only costing 9 cents per load. This is your best choice if you're searching for a cheap, secure solution to keep on your detergent shelf for those routine washes.

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